ManifoldCF SDK Change Log

======================= Release 1.0.2 =========================

Added support for ManifoldCF 2.28 GA (Maven deps and Docker image publicly available)
Updated Maven plugins to the latest versions
Release artifacts are now signed as required by The ASF
Added KEYS for validating all the release artifacts
Jetty starting options are now taken from the official Docker images

======================= Pre Release 1.0.0 =========================
Added support for ManifoldCF 2.27 (Docker Image and Maven dependencies)

======================= Pre Release 1.0.0 =========================

The Maven profile docker-hub now is including a default Console appender for logging to show standard output in Docker Desktop
Now the default ManifoldCF dependencies version is 2.26 GA (publicly available)
Added script in order to manage the deployment with a Docker Compose template
Added a quick redeploy functionality in order to recreate only the ManifoldCF image: ./ reload_mcf

======================= Release Candidate 0.0.5 =========================

The Maven profile docker-hub now is enabled by default
MCF SDK now by default is building the image from the official Docker images
Added a debug port (5005) to accelerate connectors development with remote debugging
Default Maven dependencies version now is 2.27-SNAPSHOT (publicly available)

======================= Release Candidate 0.0.4 =========================

Added support for generating the ManifoldCF website using OpenJDK 8, Apache Ant 1.9.x and Python 2.7.x
Added Windows run scripts (.bat)
Added build_start command for the (.bat) script
Build the local Maven repo for development purpose from the ManifoldCF source code distribution
Compile and package your JAR extensions
Build and package custom Docker image with your custom ManifoldCF extensions
Build and deploy all the services using Docker